Autumn Armbruster
E: autumna@molatorecpa.com
P: 541-884-4164
F: 541-883-1232
Autumn first moved to Klamath Falls in 1998 to care for an ill parent and has since made Klamath her home. She started with Molatore, Scroggin, Peterson and Co. in 2007, and in 2009 she transitioned to full time at MSP Wealth Management. She has a degree in Business Management and holds the series 66 securities license. Autumn works directly with the partners and clients helping with various aspects of their financial needs. She is generally a hub of which all compliance, marketing, trading, account and client services revolve.
Autumn has raised her family in the Klamath Basin and her adult children still make the Basin their home. She and her husband enjoy spending time with them and their grandchildren. She also has her parents and her siblings that make this wonderful community their home. They all spend time indulging in the many wonderful activities the Klamath Basin and Southern Oregon have to offer.