Andrew Peterson
P: 541-884-4164
F: 541-883-1232
Andrew E. Peterson first received his securities license in 2003. His background includes earning an Associate of Applied Science from the Oregon Institute of Technology in 1984, passing the CPA exam in 1986. He became an financial advisor when the wealth management firm was originally working with 1st Global as their broker dealer and he is currently an IAR as MSP Wealth Management is an independent RIA firm, today.
Beyond the office, Andrew's life is enriched by his family. He and his wife, Beccy, have been married since 1986. They are proud parents of two wonderful children. Their daughter, now married and residing in Washington, has blessed them with three beautiful granddaughters. Their son, an Emergency Room physician, lives in Klamath Falls with his dog, Chuli. He splits his time between work and visiting his girlfriend in Ashland.
Andrew is an avid outdoor enthusiast, finding solace and adventure in the wilderness. His pursuits include fishing, camping, and exploring the wilderness. Some of his recent adventures include a three-day solo ski trip around Crater Lake in 15 feet of snow and a week-long expedition in the Wood Tikchik region of Southwest Alaska. Armed with a Zodiac motorboat and 30 gallons of gas, Andrew and his companions navigated a hundred miles to reach the town of Dillingham.